Tariqul Islam
7 min readJun 25, 2018

React Redux web starter( Easy to build the react js admin application )

React is the most popular web development library for web site development. Lot of developer thinking that designing with react needs experience and they also have wrong concept about coding style of react js. They also claim that developing with react is difficult and to render small components need lots of code. But i think react little bit difficult, but code with react makes my apps organized and provide environment for other developer, easly to understand and find the code between huge amount of code block.

React only provide presentation layer, it’s true. But we can use different store framework for provide model and controller functionality, those framework includes Redux , mobex. In this article, we will implement the redux to starter kit. Redux is bit more difficult. I will provide the proper implementation plan and also provide the knowlage about how redux works with React JS.

Purpose Of this article

  1. Discuss about the react and redux implementation.
  2. Provide the ready made react redux admin starter kit which will help the novice or new developer to create admin protal without facing difficulty
  3. Discuss about the every features of the my admin starter and how to implement it

Notes: This web starter is not good for who are looking for CMS(content management system). This Starter kit is good for who want to learn react redux from scratch.

This Starter development kit will help you yo Build for support large application development,developer can easily develop website, management system by this starter kit. This is not good starter kit who are looking for CMS(content management system). This Starter kit is good for who want to learn and develop with react redux from scratch.

Table of Contents

  • Project Structure
  • Special Notes
  • Installation and Configure
  • New Module Development
  • Redux Implementation for New Module
  • Handle Ajax Request

Project Structure

|--| build
|--| config
|--| public (static file to load in this starter kit)
|----| favicon.ico
|----| index.html
|----| mainfest.json
|--| script
|----| build.js
|----| start.js
|----| test.js
|--| src
|----| asset
|------| [cssfile.scss]
|------| [Static Image Files]
|----| component
|------| [Global Component Folder]
|------| [Global Component(.js)]
|----| container
|------| [Global Smart Component Folder]
|------| [Global Smart File(.js)]
|----| layout [Main Layouts of the projects]
|----| core
|------| initializeStore.js (Initilize the main store for redux)
|------| rootReducer.js (Main reducer class for root)
|------| withReducer.js (For Lazy loading the redux store)
|----| router[Control all the routes of app]
|------| withAuthRoute.js
|------| withoutAuthRoute.js
|----| reducers[Configure the router]
|------| [Global Reducer Folder for Redux]
|------| [Global Reducer File(.js)]
|----| routes
|------| [Module Folder]
|--------| asset
|----------| [modulecssfile.scss]
|----------| [Static Image Files]
|--------| component
|----------| [Module Component Folder]
|----------| [Module Component File(.js)]
|--------| container
|----------| [Module smart component Folder]
|----------| [Module smart component File (.js)]
|--------| reducer
|----------| [Module Reducer File for Redux]
|--------| index.js (connect all the container and component for module wise redux store Lazy loading)
|------| routeSplit.js (Appling the code spliting to Each Module)
|----| shared
|-------| [Global Shared Function File]
|----| test
|-------| [React Test file(.test.js)]
|--| .eslintrc
|--| .gitignore
|--| package-lock.json
|--| package.json
|--| postcss.config.js

Special Notes

This starter kit support two important feature for mordern javascript development

1. Lazy loading for Redux Store
2. Module wise Code Spliting

For Lazy loading of Redux Store, I have introduced a function called withReducer() which will load the redux on demand at runtime. for spliting the redux store we can just add the code below at every module at index.js:

export default withReducer('homeReducer'/** key for reducer to split **/, 
homeReducer/** reducer name for module **/)
(HomeContainer/** container or samrt component which create connection between redux and component)

For Module wise Code Spliting, I have introduced React Loadable package, which will split the code at production and runtime also

loader: () => import('./About' /** component name or module which will be split by webpack*/),
loading: <LoadingComponent />, /** custom loading component which will be shows when component will be delay to load */
delay: 300 /** Milisecond to wait for component to load */

Installation and Configure

  1. You can just clone the git repository react-admin-starter-kit
  2. Then run the command for:

For npm : npm run install

For Yarn run : yarn install

  1. Application will run at local development server with port(http://localhost:3000)

New Module Development

The main feature of this starter kit is modularization. Which will provide friendly architecture for developer. To create the new module:

1. to go to  -> ```routes``` folder.  
2. create other necessary folders with ```index.js``` file.
|----| routes
|------| Contact
|--------| asset
|----------| contact.scss
|--------| component
|----------| Contact.js
|--------| container
|----------| ContactContainer.js
|--------| reducer
|----------| ContactReducer.js
|--------| index.js

Create the Component for design the page named Contact.js:


import React from 'react'export const Contact = (props) => {
return (
<div> This is contact page </div>
export default Contact

Redux Implementation for New Module

Add the redux store code to ContactReducer.js:

Create the action constraint



Create the initial state for redux store

const initialState = {
contactTitle: null,
contactDetails: null

Create the actions for handle the payload and reducer


export function getContactInfo () {
return {
payload: {}
export function setContactInfo (data) {
return {
payload: {data}

Create object structure which has defination for handling reducer


[GET_CONTACT_INFO]: (state, action) => {
return ({...state, contactTitle: null, contactDetails: null})
[SET_CONTACT_INFO]: (state, action) => {
return ({...state, contactTitle: action.payload.data.contactTitle, contactDetails: action.payload.data.contactDetails})

Conditional statement for handle the contact reducer


export default function contactReducer (state = initialState, action) {
const handler = CONTACT_ACTION_HANDLER[action.type]
return handler? handler(state, action): state

Add the code to smart component ContactContainer.js for connect the redux to react component:

import main component (Contact.js) and connect function which will create connection between React component and redux reducer, And then import the ContactReducer.js reducer to smart component ContactContainer.js

import {connect}  from 'react-redux'
import {
} from '../reducer/ContactReducer'
import Contact from '../component/Contact'

Create function which will dispatch the reducer

const loadRenderContactInfo = (dispatch) => {
contactTitle: "This is new contact title",
contactDetails: "This is new contact details"

Create the mapStateToProps() (default function for redux) which will maintain all the state for the Contact.jscomponent.

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
contactTitle: state.contactReducer.contactTitle,
contactDetails: state.contactReducer.contactDetails

Create the mapActionCreators() (default function for redux) which will maintain all the functions from redux and those function are related to react component Contact.js

const mapActionCreator = (dispatch) => ({
renderContactInfo: loadRenderContactInfo(dispatch)

Connect the redux with react component Contact.js

export default connect(

Apply lazy loading to (Contact -> index.js) file for Split Redux store for Contact module

import ContactContainer from './container/ContactContainer'
import contactReducer from './reducer/ContactReducer'
import {withReducer} from 'core/withReducer'
export default withReducer('contactReducer', contactReducer)(ContactContainer)

Add the code spliting functionality for Contact module by appling react loadable to ( routes -> routeSplit.js) file

const Contact = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./Contact'),
loading: Loading,
delay: delay
export { Home, About, Contact }

To Add the Contact module at Menu Bar, we should add following below object at (shared -> AppHelper.js -> getNavigationItem -> TopNav)

{id: "3", path: "/contact", label: "Contacts", withAuth: true}

For the Routing purpose of Contact module at the following code below (router -> WithAuthRoute.js)

There are two file include for handling the routing…

  1. WithAuthRoute.js : Using the Route after authentication and authorization
  2. WithoutAuthRoute.js : Using Before authentication and authorization

<Route exact path="/contact" component={Contact} />

Change the Contact.js page with following below code

import React from 'react'export const Contact = (props) => {
return (
export default Contact

Handle Ajax Request

Handling Ajax is a important part of the for any api based application. I have introduced axios package to handle the Ajax request with this starter kit. which i have discuss below

Following code gose to ContactReducer.js file:

Import the axios package in sample:

import axios from 'axios'
import RequestHeaderHelper from 'shared/RequestHeaderHelper'

Add the Action constraint for handling the ajax request

export const GET_POST_INFO = 'GET_POST_INFO'
export const SET_POST_INFO = 'SET_POST_INFO'

Add the Actions for handling the ajax request

export function getPostInfo () {
return {
payload: {}
export function setPostInfo (data) {
return {
payload: {data}

Create the function which will get the data from api by using axios

export const getPostInfoFromApi = (data) => {
const url = `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments?postId=${data.id}`
const request = axios.get(url, RequestHeaderHelper.jsonHeaderWithAuth())
return {type: 'GET_POST_INFO', payload: request}

Add the reducer control flow to handle redux store change

[GET_POST_INFO]: (state, action) => {
return ({...state, posts: null })
[SET_POST_INFO]: (state, action) => {
return ({...state, posts: action.payload.data })

Add the function to dispatch getPostInfoFromApi() function to smart component ContactContainer.js

const loadGetPostsInfo = (data,dispatch) => {
.then(resonse => {

Add state posts to mapStateToProps() function passing the state from redux to react component

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
contactTitle: state.contactReducer.contactTitle,
contactDetails: state.contactReducer.contactDetails,
`posts: state.contactReducer.posts`

For getPostsInfo function accessible to react component we can add that function to mapActionCreators() atContactContainer.js file

const mapActionCreator = (dispatch) => ({
renderContactInfo: loadRenderContactInfo(dispatch),
`getPostsInfo: (data) => loadGetPostsInfo(data,dispatch)`

Change the code of react component Contact.js for rendering the data consume from api

import React from 'react'
import map from 'lodash/map'
class Contact extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
const {renderContactInfo, getPostsInfo} = this.props
getPostsInfo({id: 1})
render() {
const {posts, contactTitle, contactDetails} = this.props
return (
map(posts, post =>
export default Contact

To get this strater kit, Github Link is:

Tariqul Islam
Tariqul Islam

Written by Tariqul Islam

Tariqul Islam have 10+ years of software development experience. He knows Python, Java, C#,PHP and other Computer languages.

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