Angular Learning (Part3)
Dockerized the Angular App
Docker is a technology which makes the deployment process less painful. In this part of the article i will discuss how to dockerized the Angular Application, later we can easliy deploy the site to production and kubernetes.
I will follow multistage docker build apporach to build the docker image using docker compose and nginx server. So production version of the sample angular application will be hosted it to nginx webserver
in docker container.
If you don’t know about docker before, you can read those documentation to know about docker from link below
1. Docker
2. Docker Compose
For multistage build we need different docker image to use in each stage, reference the previous build content to next step building process. So i select the node
base image for production build for Angular Application. To host into nginx
web server, I user nginx
base image for that
1. (Node) base image
2. (nginx) base image
First create the nginx configuration file to nginx/config.conf
to root of the application.
server {
listen 80;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
Server will be listen at 80 port. and set the website or application document root at usr/share/nginx/html
of docker container
main page will serve by webserver will be index.html
which is definedat index
In the case of try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
, it test the the existence of a directory, and therefore the index action is taken in $uri and /index.html file.
Enable the error page by error_page
keyword, add the http error code 500, 502, 503, 504 to /50x.html
Then show the location where /50x.html
file will located by location
Add the the Dockerfile
in the root of the application
# Stage 1: Build an Angular Docker ImageFROM node as build
COPY package*.json /app/
RUN npm install
COPY . /app
ARG configuration=production
RUN npm run build -- --outputPath=./dist/out --configuration $configuration# Stage 2, use the compiled app, ready for production with NginxFROM nginx
COPY --from=build /app/dist/out/ /usr/share/nginx/html
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
We use 2 stage build the Angular Docker image. first stage for create production bundle for Angular app, the second stage use the production bundle to serve as website from docker container image
Stage One build Instraction explanation
Line 3, Take the node as base image and alias is as `build`Line 4, Docker need work Directory add the work directory `/app`Line 5, Copy the NPM package file from host to app directory in containerLine 6, Install the package by runing command `npm install` by RUNLine 7, Copy the whole app directory to container's `/app` folderLine 8, Add the argument to command line or environment variable for configuration of angular production buildLine 8, RUN the command which will build the angular production bundle and put it to `./dist/out` folder and $configuration will takes as argument for production build
Stage Two build explanation
Line 13, Take the nginx as base image for docker build processLine 14, Copy the file from 'build' image /app/dist/out/ directory to /usr/share/nginx/html, which is the webserver root directory for nginx we define in `nginx.conf` fileLine 15, remove the nginx default configuration fileLine 16, Company the host /nginx/config.conf file to nginx container config directoryLine 17, we need to expose the port for docker image, so service can be access at outside of containerLine 80, Run the `nginx` webserver by CMD docker instraction
Docker Compose Implementation
We can now build the image by using docker
command. But i always prefer to use the docker compose to build and serve in docker environment. So i create the docker-compose.yml
file in root of the file directory
version: '3.7'
container_name: frontend-portal
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- '80:80'
- NODE_ENV=production
Explanation of docker-compose file
Line 1, docker-compose systax version 3.7Line 3, declare the service container in docker compose file, it can contains two or more serviceLine 5, declare the name of the service as `angular-frontend`Line 6, provide the container tag name as `frontend-portal`Line 7, add the attribute `services`, which contains all the service definition of docker images and application service environmentLine 8, declare the context from which image or which host directory will take for start the building processLine 9, Specify the Dockerfile name, from where docker-compose takes instruction to build the imageLine 10, 11, where we expose the port number which will be availble to other service or outside world to access the service functionality
'<host_port_to_serve>:<container_internal_port_for_service>'Line 12, 13, specify the node environment in environment variable
File Structure of the dockerized angular app will be like below
Then run the command from application root directory where the docker and docker-compose file is from command line
> docker-compose up --build
If you want to run the application in background run the following command below. For first time my advice is to run without -d
to check build process is successfull or not.
> docker-compose up --build -d
To down the service container from command line just run this command below
> docker-compose down
Output in terminal
If you got this error duirng first time build, because production file size issue, go to angular.json
file and increate the bundle length, go to production -> budgets
section increase the file accept size for anyComponentStyle
to following value below
"budgets": [
"type": "anyComponentStyle",
"maximumWarning": "1mb",
"maximumError": "1.2mb"
After fixing that error, go to terminal again and run that following command
> docker-compose up --build
After succfully build the image you will get that message to terminal
To see which which port the my frontend app service running in docker environment, run the command below in command line
> docker-compose ps
Now you see that it run in 80 port to host machine. So you can browse this application website at 80 port from web browser
Output to browser
Go to browser and browse http://localhost
, then you can see that docker is running our application to 80
IN Next part of the article we discuss about
You can find my code base in following github link below